What is obsessive-compulsive disorder?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder in which individuals develop obsessions (intrusive thoughts or impulses) and compulsions (repetitive ritualistic thoughts or impulses). Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a mental disorder in which individuals develop obsessions (intrusive thoughts, images or impulses) and compulsions (repetitive, ritualistic behavior) to reduce the anxiety associated with the obsessions.

The most common symptoms are:

– Obsessive fear of germs and diseases.

Repeatedly checking doors, equipment, or documents.

– Perfectly arranging items so they are “just right.”

– Intrusive thoughts, such as fear of hurting others.

While everyone may occasionally feel the need to check something again, in people with OCD these obsessions can take up many hours of the day and significantly affect daily life. OCD is not simply a love of order – it is a serious disorder that requires understanding and support. For people with OCD, these thoughts and behaviors are not “quirks” – they are a huge source of stress and can make life difficult.

What causes OCD?

– Biological and genetic factors – abnormalities in the brain, related to serotonin levels.

– Stressful life events or traumatic experiences.

– Perfectionism and excessive responsibility for one’s thoughts and actions.

How to help?

OCD can be treated with therapy and medication. Early intervention can help significantly improve quality of life. If you notice such symptoms in yourself or a loved one, do not hesitate to seek support. At NURT Therapy Center you will receive comprehensive and professional help, both pharmacological and psychotherapeutic.